Sales MasterClass for Business Owners

Increase your sales and acquire more business in just 12 weeks!

Designed to empower individuals involved in sales, equipping them with the knowledge, strategies & techniques needed to elevate their performance & drive exceptional sales outcomes.

Program Overview

12 Weekly Sessions | 1.5 Hours every Thursday @ 3:00 PM | Lessons + Accountability

This comprehensive program is packed with actionable insights, designed to equip you with everything you need to succeed in sales. From mastering the sales process to tracking performance and closing deals, this course covers it all.

Why Salespeople Struggle: Unveiling the Secrets to Success

Many salespeople hit the same roadblock—getting prospects to sign the dotted line. So, why do prospects resist, even when you offer the perfect solution? The answer isn’t in what you’re selling, but how you’re selling.

Our secret? The powerful ‘Formula for Change’. This formula is the key to overcoming objections and easing the sales process, making it natural and comfortable for your prospect to say “yes.” Through this course, you’ll learn how to implement this formula and transform your sales approach.

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What is Sales? It Starts with YOU!

Sales is more than just offering a product or service. It’s about understanding the emotional drivers behind why people buy. To succeed, you need to shift your mindset, address your beliefs, and learn how to evoke emotion in your prospects. In this course, we start by transforming your approach to sales, making it easier to connect with your clients on a deeper level.

The Sales Process: Flow & Fundamentals

Time management, pipeline management, and automation are the foundations of a successful sales process. You'll learn how to streamline your sales process, ensuring that you can handle leads efficiently and effectively. Through scripts and automation, you’ll be able to replicate success and keep your pipeline flowing with ease.

Building Rapport: Communication That Converts

The key to sales is communication. In this master class, you’ll learn how to communicate in the way your prospect wants to be communicated with. Build rapport, ask the right questions, and master techniques that allow your customers to sell themselves. We’ll teach you how to overcome objections and turn those ‘maybe’s’ into solid ‘yeses.’

Know Your Numbers: The Science Behind Sales Success

The numbers don’t lie. Your success in sales is determined by how well you understand your performance. In this course, we teach you how to flow chart your sales process, manage key performance indicators (KPIs), and leverage sales tools to measure and optimize your efforts. Learn to test, measure, and refine everything you do to ensure you’re hitting your targets.

Execution: Take Action and Close More Deals

This course is all about action. Each week, you’ll receive strategies and tools designed for immediate implementation. With the support and accountability of your coach, you’ll be equipped to go out and close more deals. No more sitting on the sidelines—this is your opportunity to excel in sales.

Program Investment

12 Week Sales Training Program


Ready to transform your sales results? Take the leap with our 12-Week Sales Training Program and invest in a brighter future. You’ll gain the tools, strategies, and accountability you need to achieve real, measurable success.

12-Week MasterClass on Sales

This 12-week sales training program is meticulously designed to turn you into a high-performing sales professional. Each week focuses on crucial aspects of sales, from mindset to practical tools, and equips you with strategies that will elevate your career.

Here’s a week-by-week breakdown of what to expect:

Week 1

Definition/Mindset & Professionalism of Sales

What is Selling, Characteristics of a Winning Mindset, Characteristics of a Winning “Sales” person, What makes a Great Salespeole, and more

Week 2

Sales/Customer Beliefs

4 Types of People and Customers, What you must do as a Sales Person?

Week 3​

Communication & Engagement

Selling on Logic or Emotion, The Language of System Diagnostic Instrument, DISC Profiling

Week 4

Prospecting/Qualifying & Targeting

5 Ways to Increase Profit, Building Sales Process, AIDA-4 Step Focus, Pipeline/Time Management

Week 5​

Lead Qualification

The Question Funnel, Old selling vs. New Selling, Questions Softeners, Temperature Checking, Elevator Pitch, and Creating a Good Buying Experience

Week 6​

Technique & Sales

Relationship Selling Techniques, Body Language Temperature, Understanding the Buyers Brain, Performance Phone and Retail Standards, Sales Skills

Week 7

Sales Negotiation & Objection Handling

Marketing Sales, Relationship Selling Techniques, Handling Objections, Overcoming Objections, Sales Negotiation Process, Win-Win Sales Communication & Negotiation.

Week 8​

Understanding Your Competition

Products & Services Defined, Importance of a SWOT, Competitive Difference, Niche, USP, Forecasting

Week 9

Database & Tools

Flow Chart Your Sales Process, KPIs, Test & Measures, Sales Tools, Working Your Database

Week 10

Customer Service & Support

Customer Satisfaction, Give Customer More, Be Proactive, Innovation and Customer Service, Make it Easy to Buy, Critical Non Essentials, Referrals, and Ladder of Loyalty

Week 11

The Enrollment

Provide Solutions, Asking Questions, Closing the Deal, Getting the Commitment

Week 12

Scripts, Action & Delivery

Maximize the YES, Minimize the NO, How to Follow Up, What Script to use, Turning your Vision into Reality and Creating an Action

Business Coaches


Tom Dougherty

Global Award Winning Business Coach,
Certified Master Coach, & Executive Coach


Kevin McKamey

ActionCoach Business Coach,
Sales Trainer & Leadership Coach

Our Other Programs

1 on 1 Coaching

We offer group and 1 on 1 coaching services, customized for your business needs.

Group Business Coaching

Our Group Coaching Programs are a great first step to share and gain new strategies for your business venture, alongside other business owners.

Business Coaching Workshops

Boost your business strategies and leadership skills with specialized coaching workshops.


Transform Your Business with Confidence

At ActionCOACH of Arizona, we understand it’s essential that you achieve real results for you and your business. That’s why we back our coaching programs with our ActionCOACH guarantee. As long as you follow our proven systems and complete all of the work and actions agreed upon in your sessions, our coaching programs are guaranteed to deliver the transformative outcomes you deserve.